Choristers of Great Britain Concert

At the end of Trinity I was honoured to take part in the second concert of The Choristers of Great Britain in support of the charities, Friends Of Cathedral Music and the Diamond Fund for Choristers.
Liverpool is home to both the Catholic Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral and the Anglican Liverpool Cathedral and we were warmly welcomed into both of them by their directors or music, the choristers and their families. Nearly one hundred choristers from forty different choral foundations from all over the UK put on an enjoyable and varied programme of choral music with just four hours of rehearsal.
The quality of the concert showed the hard work put in by everyone involved. I was chosen to sing the solo part of Allegri’s Miserere with my counterpart from Magdalen College Choir. We were proud to represent the Oxford choral tradition! We also sang pieces such as Handel’s Zadok the Priest, John Rutter’s, The Lord Bless you & Keep You and a rousing rendition of You’ll Never Walk Alone. That one went down very well!
John Rutter gave an inspiring talk comparing our cathedrals to our NHS hospitals. Everyone knows they are there but until we go into one and understand the benefits that they provide, we do not really think about the miracles that occur in them every day of the year. Music is an essential part of what gives a cathedral life and probably part of our everyday lives more than we realise.
I felt lucky to meet other choristers from places like Wakefield and Ripon and sat next to a chorister from Christ Church. Mr Rutter took the time to talk to lots of us and sign autographs afterwards. He even remembered meeting our choir at Radio three, just before Christmas.
I was really proud to represent the Choir and School and grateful to be part of such an enjoyable celebration supporting choristers and choral music.