We use a service called Parentmail which enables schools to send their letters and messages direct to parents by email. In order to use Parentmail we need to use your email address and to have permission from you to allow us to share this address with Parentmail. The service is registered with the Data Protection Registrar and guarantees that all email addresses will be kept completely private. There is also no advertising associated with the scheme.
I give permission for the following email addresses to be used in Parentmail:
The school usually provides class lists containing the following information: pupil name; pupil date of birth; year group; parents’ names; address; parents’ emails; parents’ phone numbers. Historically these lists have been circulated to the parents of boys in the school and restricted to each year group. There may be other reasonable uses, for example in sharing the details of families across year groups who live locally to one another. These lists have been a very useful resource for parents, boys and form reps (for example enabling you to share lifts or arrange social engagements). The Data Protection Act means that these lists cannot be circulated without the formal consent of the parents concerned.
Our ICT policy is available at
As the parent or legal guardian of the pupil named above, I grant my permission for my son to use electronic mail, the NCS Virtual Learning Environment and the Internet. I understand that the NCS acceptable use of ICT policy applies to my son when he is using the school's ICT resources.
Occasions arise when we would like to take boys to museums and events in the vicinity. It would therefore be of help to us if you could give permission for your son to be taken out locally whenever we have the opportunity. These would be occasions which would not incur any cost to you. We shall, of course, inform you whenever we plan a trip for which you need to pay, or which is further afield.
In order to conform to DfE Guidelines on Safeguarding Children, we cannot permit photography in school without asking your permission. We photograph children taking part in school activities so that we can mount displays, use photographs on the school website, in information packs, publicity features and elsewhere. If all parents in a given year group agree to this, we will also be able to allow you to take photographs or film school activities, provided that you undertake to use them solely for close family use and not to publish them on any form of social networks such as Facebook. In order to share with parents and the wider community the achievements and activities of boys at New College School we would like to share, with your permission, photographs and film via official New College School social media accounts. It is crucial that social media is used responsibly so that confidentiality of pupils and other staff and the reputation of the school are safeguarded. Our social media policy is available at All photographs and films are taken on school cameras and stored securely. We will not use the personal details or full name of any child in images used on any public forum. With these caveats we hope you will be able to give us permission to publicise the school’s activities using images which may include your son.
This form is valid for the period of time which your child attends the school, unless you inform us of any changes to the choices below.
Current legislation requires us to check that pupils entering New College School have met visa requirements. Please therefore complete as appropriate. EITHER (in the case of pupils entering New College School from outside the EEC):
We understand that the School, as a registered Data Controller, will process personal data about us and our child, including sensitive personal data such as medical details. We consent to the processing of our data and our child's data; For further information on how we use your data, please refer to the privacy policy at