Puppetry Workshop
In preparation for their production of Pinocchio in Trinity, Years 3-5 were lucky enough to have a special visit from Little Angel Theatre. Based in London, this puppet company has produced shows and given educational talks since 1961. The boys learnt all about various types of puppetry styles. For example, twenty-first-century puppetry takes on a plethora of forms from shadow and water puppets to Bunraku, CGI and stop motion puppetry, which many of the boys are passionate about making in their free time. Our visitor, Berty, brought in three special puppets including a delicate rod puppet and a visitor from a special Muppet family that was on the television in the late 1990s. Some of the boys were lucky enough to try using these puppets, learning about the importance of eye lines, weight and small nuanced movements to bring this fascinating art form to life.