Activities Week
After initially feeling rather bereft without the rest of the prep school, Year 3 soon realised that they were the first to the goal posts and were actually able to stay there for the duration of break time - back of the net!
Year 3 took part in a varied programme over the week, culminating in an Arts Award based on the theme of animals. Acting skills were re-visited through performing Aesop’s Fables, dancing skills discovered for the first time and pizza making skills came to the fore, especially by Jai who managed to make a mountain range out of pepperoni. The boys were inspired by the artistic talents of Mrs Ryder in the Art Room where the most stunning plates were decorated and under Mr Neal’s guidance, they composed some tunes based on animals inspired by Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals. Day trips included a visit to The Ashmolean with our very own in-house museum guide Mrs Hess, and a visit to Crocodiles of the World, where the meerkats and otters caused as much of a stir as the alligators and crocodiles. A chilly walk to the University Parks to hone some photographic skills followed, where some dogs provided a perfect “action-shot” moment.
Thank you to Mrs Hess who transformed the library into a den of all things animal, Miss Cawood who accompanied us on our trips and Mr Bradley for organising such a fun-packed week. The week ended with beautiful weather to welcome back the rest of the prep school.