CREST Science Awards
Once again, the boys in 8S worked towards their Bronze CREST Awards after the scholarship exams were finished.
The CREST Award Scheme is organised by the British Science Association and encourages pupils to learn by solving a problem or answering a question. The boys chose an area of Science they were interested in and then carried a project to research their idea. We had two environmental themed projects: Sammy investigated ways of make environmentally friendly plant pots out of algae, and Joseph researched how bacteria could be used to o set methane emissions as a way of reducing climate change. Arnaud designed a house that could be easily assembled and inhabited on Mars, whilst Felix designed a survival pack that could be used on expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic. We also had two projects aimed at developing countries, with Nathan designing an easy to assemble bamboo house, and Lyndon investigating the ideal parachute to drop aid packages into developing countries and areas affected by natural disasters. We all enjoyed watching him drop model parcels containing eggs from the top of the fire escape and seeing which ones kept the egg intact: all the boys embraced the challenge of choosing their own project and writing it up, and were most impressive in their creativity!