Young Art Oxford

The theme for this year’s Young Art Oxford was My Future World.
As a school, we have participated in this annual fundraising art exhibition for many years. It is open to all pupils in Oxfordshire schools from Reception to Year 9, providing them with a wonderful opportunity to exhibit their work in the Ashmolean Museum and have it judged by well- known professionals and artists.
This year, our NCS artists found the theme inspiring and worked creatively on projects inspired by artists. The judges reviewed almost three thousand pieces of artwork, and thirty works by our NCS artists were selected and exhibited in a magnificent gallery space at the Ashmolean Museum. The Prizegiving evening was a huge success, with great support from families and friends. The funds raised at the exhibition have been instrumental in supporting the Great Ormond St Hospital Charity.
The Young Art competition provides a wonderful chance for students to showcase their artistic skills and receive recognition for their efforts. Congratulations to the following NCS students: Miles E, Josh M, Xavier M (commended), Bowen W, Michael H, Valentin H, Nicky S, Max X, Eddy Y, Michael K, Samuel P, Alexander F, Zachary L, Theodore L-L, Henry M (commended), James D, Albert L, Frankie P-A, Emil S, Aloysius W, Tassilo H, Olly L, Felix T, Alexander S, Yoav G, George T, AndreĢs B-C, Ethan Z, Alex M, and Thomas H.