School Council, 2023-4

The school council had a productive year with meetings every half term. Two representatives from each class in the prep school came along with ideas and feedback from the rest of their class on a variety of themes. In January we welcomed Pre-Prep representatives from Year 2 to give us view points from right across the school. Discussions, as ever, focused a lot on food and we were delighted to welcome Jon from Thomas Franks Catering to one meeting. The boys were pleased to have the opportunity to give their thoughts on the lunchtime menus and to see some of their suggestions come to fruition. For example, we now enjoy a wider selection of fresh fruit and salads, and there is a daily soup and bread option.
We were also joined by Izzy Rose in a meeting in Hilary to discuss activities. Much to the boys’ excitement there will be some new activities available next year, for example cookery for Year 5 and a music technology course. These were only a small fraction of the boys’ ideas; other developments included a new drinking fountain in the playground and markings on the football pitch to ensure the all-important separation of the two football pitches. Many thanks to all the representatives who have contributed to the committee this year!